Member-only story
About Me — Danijel Crncec
Fatherhood, alcoholism, mathematics, entrepreneurship, divorce, and the advantage of a second chance.
I grew up in a small city in northern Croatia, Cakovec. Throughout history, this world’s neighborhood was part Austro-Hungarian empire, and that is visible even today; a lot of craftsmanship, small businesses, and working people. Most of the time, I spent with my grandparents from my mother’s side.
Grandmother was a lady with roots in Poland, macrobiotic, and her whole career was dedicated to helping people, miserable children, orphans, and children with troubles in their mental development. She was a wonderful person.
Grandfather was a gentleman raised in a family with seven kids. I never met four of them. You know, in the past, children’s mortality was extremely high. Not all were fortunate to survive. He was a principal in a faculty, director of the largest printing company in Yugoslavia, and a very influential guy. First of all, he was humble. It considered all as his obligation to society.
I had beautiful grandparents.
My parents are similar but not the same. Mother is a retired dentist, and father is a former medical doctor. They finished their careers and moved to the village where they have a great time together. I have a…