I Will Never Earn Money Writing On Medium Platform
Why am I using medium.com, and what is the exact reason that I will never earn money?
I started reading articles on medium.com somewhere in 2018th (despite my account stating differently). In the meanwhile, I read hundreds if not thousands of different stories. The most benefit for me is exploring the authenticity of people on one side and getting good ideas.
Many of us need help perceiving how big medium.com is, and it is possible to find whatever you want. I don’t have a problem with that. I often pay for excellent ideas to authors using their platforms. Sometimes I find small pieces of software I try, some of which I start regularly using (I am writing this using iA Writer).
This benefit for itself is worth paying a few bucks monthly.
Sometimes I write an article or debate about something I find and get a new perspective that educated people share, using their knowledge, expertise, and experience. And arguments, of course. Could you get that somewhere else in such a practical way?
What I found pretty annoying is the constant ranting of a small share of writers about how medium.com changed the way to evaluate their effort and consider that they should be paid better. Now, we have several types of writers.
The first group I admire is people sharing knowledge (I am talking about actual knowledge) — people with skills in different areas and different points of view than uneducated ones.
The second is, as I call them, a group of “shallow writers” writing about almost stupid stuff that is obvious to people without pointing to it. I saw dozens of articles describing and analyzing, for example, the FedEx logo. Only (literally) blind people cannot see the arrow there. What is the point of such articles? Fortunately, there is a blocking function.
The third group is specific, for me, at least. Should I trust people in their early twenties about investment? No. I am 47 and have a strong finance, math, and analysis background. What they are describing is shorting. The blocking function, again, is great. :)
The fourth group I like a lot. They write fiction, and reading them is a pleasure as a fond lover of short forms. But if we deconstruct their thematics, we can find whatever you want. From thrillers, crime stories, sex… Whatever you can think of. I appreciate their writing.
So far, medium.com is a most valuable source for reading (besides the paper issue of The New Yorker); for that kind of money, you can either have a bad coffee or a month of free reading. I choose reading. I like coffee when I prepare it for myself.
I will never earn money on medium.com. I am here to write occasionally but read a lot.
Have a beautiful day.