It is necessary to understand that such behavior is normal and probably got roots in early societies, even before language developed.
Thirty years ago, we were not overwhelmed by such information as there were no mediums, and we were “limited” compared to today's aspect.
Every piece of information is served to us (not for a higher goal but for monetization ), but the behavior is intact. Your private life is not my business and must not be of interest except if you decide the opposite way.
Why do people think their opinion is essential is the subject of behaviorism as a discipline, but that got roots in homes and how people raise their kids.
I can make my opinion of you personally based on a regular reading of your articles (and I read your stuff daily). Will I ever judge you? No, I will not, as I am not allowed. We can discuss and have questions and arguments, but we must not hate or judge anyone because of their deeds as long as they are inside the boundaries of “normal” and “legal.”