Elizabeth and How She Lost Herself
Elizabeth rang a door. She could not use her key as there was a key inside the lock on the other side.
Weird, she thought; I do not expect anyone to be in the apartment now. Her husband was preparing himself for work when she left. Two or three times a week, she visited the agency to see if everything was as it should be and to check if everyone was aligned.
She went downstairs to ask her Landlord to open the door. Maybe it was just stuck.
The Landlord took his keys with him to help her.
He tried but without success, albeit his keys are supposed to open the doors even if they are closed inside, in case of any emergency.
Elizabeth started to feel very uncomfortable and anxious. The Landlord suggests breaking the lock; maybe someone inside is in danger. She agreed.
He dismantled the security holders and opened the door.
The apartment was empty. Like really empty. No pictures on the wall, furniture, rugs, or anything. The floors were clean. In the bathroom, she figured out everything was missing, like in the rest of the apartment, from perfumes to toothbrushes.
Elizabeth was scared but tried to stay calm as he opened her purse to take out a phone and took out her wallet with documents, ready to call the police. Her phone did not recognize her fingerprint. It was locked.
The Landlord gave her his phone as he figured out what she would do. As she put out her ID, she noticed something. The name on the ID was not Elizabeth but Anna.
She started screaming.