Putting Altman in the context of Jobs’ achievement is at least vulgar.
Altman lives on the hype of decades-old tech, now filled with enough (wrong and misleading) data and interface for dummies in between.
The problem is that everyone with Internet access can reach out for answers and often get out-of-context, misleading, and wrong responses.
13 or 14 years ago, Instagram was “limited “ to only one platform, and it was fun. People took photos and posted them for the audience. Super simple and super effective. Until the platform opens itself to idiots.
Today, we have people who would have been considered mentally challenged 40 years ago, who never read a single book, living in their twisted world believing they are using artificial intelligence systems.
Civilization rose on creativity and not on recycling obsolete knowledge.
Often, Musk is accused of overpromising; if there were no hypocrisy at its best, Altman would be in jail. He and his company use other’s intellectual property, mislead, and intentionally spread nonsense.
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.