Very interesting article for read and re-read again. Great point. Media industry is very strong in Croatia as well, and on daily basis I find such articles (you call it porn, I am not, albeit I strongly agree with you, but I dislike particular word). As I am also part of start-up community (actually I am not, I am doing it my way, not asking for money, grants or something but I am developing my business at my own pace) I read such articles but I know what is behind as well. My primary domain is Project Management and Business Process Management for small and micro companies (nice niche, btw) and I am just delighted when local papers write about great success of my new client speaking of far east investors, great product and such but there is literally nothing behind. One of such start-up just closes no matter of fact that in strongest web portal they were described under column “Beautiful Saturday Story” described as a great success. They tried to produced some specific furniture and in TWO YEARS they sold four pieces. Four. 4.
Newspapers described them as great success working with millions. When they asked me to help them about processes after two days I asked owned; okay, no bullshit, where is the company, where is the stock just to found out there is nothing behind it. Just click bait story.
At the moment I got three such customers. I tell them openly that closing is just okay thing to do. But due to too much start-up p*** they got strange idea that miracle will happen.
Dave Schools
You are completely right with your thesis and you completely missed the point. Or you did not, which is worse.